Notes on Birria and Bluegrass

First, some WordPress practice. Differences between pages and posts. Here’s a tutorial in case you still have some questions.

And with this, we’ll practice embedding media. Here’s an image of birria (changed the font color and italics in toolbox above): Actually, four. Note we’re pretty limited with fonts on WordPress, but you can use larger fonts to emphasize certain headings.

birria birriabirriabirria

That’s to embed photos, which you first must add to your library. Then here’s how to embed videos. And here will be one of the guests for our class next month, Ms. Laura Patricia Ramirez of Tortilleria y Taqueria Ramirez of Lexington.


–Wordpress quick run-down: connecting to Instagram

–Review some folks to follow on IG (and looking for South of the Border)

–responding to classmates’ blogs

–Gravy: “South of the Border

–Bluegrass and Birria

–Start Tamale Trail  on Southernfoodways Alliance.


Homework: add a post about locations you are planning on checking out, or narrowed down to.

Begin Tacopedia, browse through the book, bring ideas to class





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